Monday, July 18, 2011

60 Van Gogh

Do you remember
A summer day 
At the Van Gogh
Exhibit; we refused the
Portable Tour Guide,
We would provide our own
Narrative, we would make
Van Gogh our own,
And anyone’s who would
Listen. On that day
We were the V.G. experts,
Connoiseurs of the form.
On that day
We defined the ego
Of V.G., the coloring
Of the wheat fields,
The coloring of the beard,
The hair, no small
On that day, the World
Became Van Gogh
And V.G. the World.
Of Starry Night,
We described the halos
In the vision
Of a madman,
Of  his self-portraits
We described
The painful gaze,
The heavy brow,
And the weight of
His oppression.
And yes, we
Described the
Alcohol-tinged yellows
Of his vision.
And oh, the World
In the end observed by,
And oh, the World
In the end consumed by
And oh, Van Gogh
On the last day –
Alone in
A wheat field
Set upon by crows,
A wheat field
By Blackness
A wheat field,
And beard, and tousled
Consumed into Spirit.
And that painting
Loomed high
In the Gallery’s
Last chamber.
And many dropped
Low their portable
tour guides
To listen to my
Last time with you.
Blackness comes
Winged across the
Wheat field;
Blackness comes.

1 comment:

  1. I'll let the poets judge poetry but I liked this a lot. Particularly how you've related the visual art to an event at the end, that "Last time with you." really does it nicely.
